

MIRACLE STORIES - Live Each Day Like It’s Your Last

by miracles on Nov.30, 2006, under Children Miracle Stories, Divine Intervention, Near Death Miracle Stories
My parents threw a party, a little get-together with the family. I was four years old and just got done eating a wonderful plate of noodles. I wanted to go swimming in the pool now, and no on
I swear when I was down there, I saw a light and I thought I saw Jesus who told me he didn’t want me to come to heaven yet. My sister ran in the house and called the ambulance. Thankfully there was an ambulance worker down the road who wasn’t on duty but still came and saved my life.
If it wasn’t for her, I honestly don’t know where I would be right now. Thank you B.J.  I’m scared to tell some of my best friends, because, I don’t think they’d believe me. I know I’m just a 14 year old, and us teenagers have weird things going on, but this is a true story. And I’m the one it happened to. Now I have tears coming out of my eyes.
I think people should pray every night. You never know when something bad is going to happen or something might happen to someone you care about. You never know what’s going to happen or even if your going to wake up the next morning, so live each day like its your last.
This miracle story was submitted by “J.R.S.” from CT.

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