Article by Dimple Negi
A Doctor ‘practices’ there is a reason behind calling it a practice because absolute perfection is almost unachievable in this profession and we certainly need to respect that fact. May be it seem like an easy task to scrawl a few prescriptions in the most illegible script possible. Sure there are many jokes about it but know what happens when you think of it that way and start playing a doctor? You sure know the answer to that. Human life isn’t a game and human body isn’t a playground. Thus it’s advisable to let the professionals do their job while you stick to yours. We have compiled a list of 10 drugs that you take without prescriptions solely because they are OTC or Over – The- Counter Drugs
10) Digene
Do you know what the best thing about Indian food is? Well it’s spicy and unfortunately with a history of stomach and liver problems, that could also prove to be the only bad thing about the fiery cuisines. These antacids are available in the form or tablets which are sub-lingual, syrups and soluble mixtures and are quite common in Indian households. While everyone is busy playing doctor, what do Real doctors recommend?
Excessive usage of any antacids can give your stomach a fall sense of digestion. In severe circumstances it can lead to bouts of diarrhea, may cause headaches and ulcers, not to mention the dizziness and increased drug dependency. So if you have been popping these pills as a post-meal ritual. We’d advise you to consult your gastrologist
9) Aspirin/ Acetylsalicylic
Aspirin (brand name Disprin) is a multi-usage drug and a must in your first-aid kid. It can be effectively used for minor inflammation and pain as an analgesic and for reducing fever as an antipyretic drug (ibuprofen). Moreover it interferes in the blood clotting action which may help prevent a second heart attack risk. Acetylsalicylic acid is an important metabolite, which makes it usable for anti-acne treatment Thus, making it the most widely used drug, its consumption runs into 40,000 tonnes every year. On the flip side however it can cause less severe effects like heartburn, dizziness and an upset stomach to more severe consequences like blood thinning, ringing in ears, slight hearing impairment, nausea and fever that could last up to 3 days. Yet again discretion is advised against.
8) Meftal Spas
Practically no prior thought is lent to the consumption for Meftal spas and other menstrual cramp relieving drugs in the market. Good news is that the main constituent of Meftal spas is mefenamic acid which is a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID. Alike aspirin it’s widely used for its antipyretic and analgesic properties. Though, the wide use of these OTC drugs means that the side-effects have become more prevalent. It may range from headache, nausea, dizziness to gastrointestinal, renal and erectile dysfunctions. Constant use of NSAID has also resulted in mucosal damage to small intestine. Yet again medical supervision is a prerequisite
7) Paracetamol/Hydrocodone
Remember the debate around Crocin and Vicodin? These are narcotic analgesic drugs, serving the same purpose as Aspirin. The mixtures comprise of analgesic hydrocodone and paracetamol. In early 2009 FDA was advised to remove Vicodin from the market because of a likely overdose of such prescribed narcotic based medicines and also due to the presence of acetaminophen component which is responsible for liver damage. Hydrocodone on the other hand is an opioid constituent thus, bringing it closer to morphine save the metabolite modified by different enzymes; hydrocodone is still twice as powerful as morphine by mouth for acute use. Serious side effects may include diarrhea, hematemesis (vomiting blood), hematuria (blood in urine), blurred vision, skin rash, itching and swelling, sore throat and fever. Also it is advised not to skip meals if you are incorporating a dosage of NSAIDs.
The side effects of excessive narcotic analgesic drugs usage are; shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, fainting, convulsions, urinary tract problems and jaundice while less serious side effects may include anxiety drowsiness, mood swings, blurred vision and dry mouth
6) Fluoxetine (anti-depressants)
Fluoxetine also by the brand names Prozac, Flunil, Prodep, Fludac, Sarafem and Fontex are informally deemed as ‘Happy pills’ in the junkie circuit. As to ‘why’
These are SSRI drugs i.e., Serotonin-Specific Reuptake Inhibitor. Serotonin is present in GI tract, the central nervous system and the platelets. It is also the contributor to the feeling of well-being and happiness. SSRI are deemed to be the first class of psychotropic drugs. These drugs are most efficient at crossing the blood-brain barrier thus acting primarily on the central nervous system where it affects brain functions. This leads to alteration in one’s perception, consciousness, mood and behavior.
These drugs are thus used as recreational drugs or as entheogens, for ritual, spiritual, and/or shamanic purposes. These drugs can be extremely addictive and are known to cause side effects such as; nausea, drowsiness, strange dreams, hallucinations, pupil dilation, insomnia and weight gain. Also the suicidal thoughts and depression is known to have returned with extreme vengeance in several cases.
5) Corex/Codeine phosphate
Cores is not an OTC, it can’t be sold without a prescription. It is highly advised to restrain from abusing it and also to bring the pharmacies selling it as an OTC, under authorities’ due notice. The abuse of Corex was highlighted back in 2011, when cases of severe Codeine addiction popped up in different regions of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and few other South Asian countries. Codeine or 3-methylmorphine (a natural isomer of methylated morphine) is an opiate used for it analgesic, hypnotic, sedative and antidepressant qualities. Just like other opioids its side effects may include nausea, depression, euphoria and drowsiness. Although an overdose may not prove fatal but the opiate constituent makes it very addictive and one of the most widely abused drugs. In wake of corex and codeine peddling incidences the authorities have adopted stringent policies.
4) Dulcolax / weight loss
People struggling to lose weight for years, give up the steps of laxatives. The abuse of Dulcolax also Evict, the most commonest laxatives ,buds from the myth that the use of a laxative makes the food move faster through ones bowels, so the body absorbs less calories. The fact is that the small intestine does most of the nutrients absorbing work while the large intestine absorbs what the small intestine misses. So the only weight that laxative may reduce is the water weight which can leave you extremely dehydrated along with severe electrolyte imbalance. In fact it can make you lose the ability of bowel moment all together. So it is better that you devise a more productive and fruitful strategy for weight loss rather than searching for shortcuts.
3) Practin/ weight gain
Ever walked into a medic shop and saw those large containers with a ‘gain weight’ splashed across them in the most peculiar font. Those are gainers supplements, basically protein powders and carbohydrates. But those are exclusively for body building markets. What about the skinny women who are lost in the sections of females looking to lose weight. That’s where Practin comes into picture Cyproheptadine, a first generation antihistamine. It is used to treat hay fever and managing less severe serotonin syndromes. Also it can cure your feline pals’ appetite problems.
But this drug is being excessively abused. In India, shockingly enough, mothers often bring in their daughters who they think are not developed enough ,other users are the married women with the plain dilemma of not being ‘filled-up’ comparably to the men’s sexual fantasies. The side effects of its abuse are severe; excessive weight gain (bloating), cataract, liver problems, heart diseases and infertility.
2) Alprax/sleeping pill
This entry follows an update I just saw in my news feed. A sleeping pill may prove effective as a short-term solution for your sleep related problems but in the end it’s a sopoforic drug, a class of psychoactive/psychotropic drugs. It is very important to note that what it causes is not a sleep that is just a metaphor for a state of sedated ‘unconsciousness’. Like other psychotropic drugs one may find oneself hooked onto these pills which may prove to be a fatal addiction.
1) Medical Cannabis
Much disarray was followed by the inclusion of medical marijuana in this list because neither its legal nor it’s an OTC Drug. However I have come to believe that all addictions do bud up from ‘Weed’. Bhang is an inextricable part of ‘Holi’ one of the most awaited Indian festivals. Also mythology reinstates the fact that Lord Shiva was an avid user of Marijuana. Add to it some contemporary Rastafarian charm ‘n’ Marley melodies and you have yourself an exceptional excuse to try it once.
Marijuana addiction is one of the worst facets of psychotropic drugs. Most of the junkies admit to marijuana being the stepping stone of dope circuit.
Disclaimer: We would still suggest that you take these drugs on your own risk (or better after consulting your doctor), ListDose or the Author takes no responsibility in case of any negative effects.
Very Informative,Thanks for sharing
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