Article by pratiti sarkar
The phase from a little crawling girl to a married woman is one of the very tough transitions in the lives of women. But any mother would undoubtedly say that the most beautiful phase in a woman’s life is when she is pregnant. This transition from getting married and becoming a mother is the most precious one.
This period of approximately 9 months with so many ups and downs and facing so many different symptoms every day, is most enjoyed when the expected mother takes extra care of herself. Life is not a cake walk and same goes for this transition period. A pregnant woman must keep in mind some do’s and don’ts. Here in this article, you will find few tips that a pregnant woman must follow in order to have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.
10. You look beautiful
As the stages of pregnancy gradually pass, there are a lot of changes that your body undergo, especially the increase in the size of your belly. You also tend to gain some weight during this period of pregnancy. However, one must not get conscious with these changes. Do not forget – you look beautiful even in this phase of your life. The ones who love you the most i.e. your husband and family members are the happiest to see you in this manner. This phase of life is going to bring someone very special in your life. Just look at yourself in front of the mirror and enjoy the beauty of this phase and take all the changes in a positive manner.
9. Take out time for Fun activities
There are certain things you would like to know about the present and post pregnancy period. Read some of the articles, blogs and books for the sake of fun and not just gaining the facts. Don’t over stress yourself to finish reading and knowing everything in one go. Read some really good novels and magazines. Try and watch some light-hearted movies, maintain a scrapbook that would later give you some really good memories of this pregnancy period or prepare a scrapbook which would be maintained by you after your baby is born. Do all this in short intervals without taking any kind of stress.
8. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol
Life is supposed to be enjoyed every moment. But enjoyment in the form of smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol can be fatal for many, even for the unborn. Pregnant women must not smoke cigarettes or consume drugs, alcohol or caffeine. Exposure to any of these is harmful for both the mother and the baby. They may lead to birth defects and abnormalities in baby. If you do any of these, it is better that you consult your doctor and get rid of them at the very early stage of pregnancy to avoid any kind of complication.
7. Be Optimistic
There might be times when you will be hovered with some negative thoughts about your child’s normal birth. There will be people around you who will scare you with the bad birth stories, miscarriages or possibilities of disabled child after birth. People have their job to say such things and your job should be to ignore such negative vibes. Your pregnancy will turn out to be great if you make it to be great. Just be optimistic and stay happy with the transitions that you and your body are undergoing and enjoy every moment.
6. Routine checkup
It is advisable to go and get your checkup done by your gynecologist on a regular basis. Your doctor will perform the prenatal tests, check your weight and blood pressure and a few ultrasounds will be done. This should be done in order to keep a check on your baby’s proper growth and development. In case any issue is detected by the doctor, it can then be cured in its initial stages only. Follow the guidelines of your doctor accurately. A healthy baby is then expected if all the tests and medication suggested by the doctor are properly followed.
5. Sound Sleep
One of the challenges that you come across during pregnancy is the sleeping issues. Since the body tries to adapt itself to the changes occurring with the growing baby, you tend to feel quiet tired. So you need to rest a lot. Try taking short naps during the day and 6 to 8 hours of sleep during night. Also, gradually with the passing days in pregnancy it becomes difficult to sleep in the straight position. So, it is always better to sleep sideways with your legs slightly bent during pregnancy as it not only provides you comfort in sleeping but it also improves blood flow to the baby and prevents from swelling. Also put some extra pillows around yourself if needed.
4. Reduce stress and be happy
There are a lot of changes that a woman undergoes during pregnancy. She has to face mood swings, morning sickness, heartburn, backaches and much more. But instead of getting over stressed and panicking about all this, one must enjoy this phase completely. A wonderful phase of your life with bit ups and downs for a wonderful human being who is expected to arrive in this world. Just keep yourself as much relaxed and calm as possible. Go out for dinner occasionally with your husband, read books for fun, watch light-hearted movies, listen to relaxing music, talk to your friends and family members, do yoga or meditation and keep your mind and body relaxed.
3. Stay active
It is a wrong belief that exercise will cause your baby some harm. In fact, exercise gives you relief from the backaches, constipation, swellings, disturbed sleeps and other such symptoms during pregnancy. In addition to making you energetic, it also prevents from excessive weight gain. Your body also gets prepared for labor. Yoga, walking, swimming are the few options that will help you stay active. Yoga postures help in making you comfortable with the changes that undergo in the body during pregnancy. It also helps in relaxing the mind and body which is a requisite during the labor stages. Swimming lets you get rid of the back pains. Walking or mild exercise help you stay less stressed. Do begin with 10 minutes of warm-up and then proceed. But do keep in mind not to overstretch or strain yourself while exercising and keep a watch on your heart rate.
2. Stay Hydrated
With a lot of changes observed during pregnancy, especially the increase in the blood volume, it is always better to prevent yourself as much as possible from the pregnancy symptoms like dehydration, constipation, swelling etc. by keeping yourself hydrated. Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day without fail. Take as much fluids as possible. Keep drinking water throughout the day, instead of drinking the required amount of water at one go. However, avoid taking alcohol, soda or caffeine. Staying hydrated keeps your skin healthy, washes out the wastes from your body and helps the cells of your baby in absorbing the nutrients provided properly.
1. Healthy eating habit
A pregnant woman must prioritize her eating habits. Take prenatal vitamins as per the doctor’s suggestions. Do take proper meals without skipping any. You must keep this in mind that whatever you eat is helpful not only for you but also for the little life inside your belly. Your fetus requires a lot of nutrients for its proper growth and development. Try to grab fresh food items, avoiding frozen food items. And do add a variety in your diet in order to ensure the intake of all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for both you and your fetus. Make it sure to take five to six well-balanced meals every day. Even if you grab some snacks, take them in small amounts. Consult your doctor for the proper diet plan and follow that without any miss.
The above tips should be followed properly so that the child and mother both have a healthy future
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