

PEOPLE - Chinese man claims walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 31st EACH can CURE back pain

Chinese man claims walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 31st EACH can CURE back pain

  • - Zhang Fuxing says walking 15 metres a day in the shoes cured his back pain
  • - He says using the shoes can also help to treat haemorrhoids
  • - He says the Chinese spiritual martial art Qigong helps him move the weights
  • - Mr Fuxing manufactures the shoes and says he has sold hundreds of pairs


A Chinese factory worker says walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 31st each can cure back pain.

Zhang Fuxing says he has been walking in the shoes for seven years and that walking just 15 metres a day in them can cure a bad back and treat haemorrhoids.

He said: ‘After they reached 400kg (62st), I felt very proud. Next spring I plan to add 50kg (7.8st).’

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Zhang Fuxing, a Chinese factory worker, says walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 31st each can cure back pain
Zhang Fuxing says walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 31st each can cure back pain

Mr Fuxing, 52, credits his ability to move the shoes -- which he leaves outside, safe in the knowledge that they are close to impossible for most people to lift -- to the Chinese spiritual martial art Qigong which is said to involve controlling the flow of ‘bodily energies’.

He said: ‘It's not strong muscles that make you able to walk like this, the power comes from internal organs. When you walk with your heart it will work.’

Mr Fuxing believes his shoes to be the heaviest in China, but admits that competition from a number of other people renders his claim uncertain.

    One of two Chinese iron shoe wearers to share a Guinness World Record for walking 10 metres backwards in heavyweight iron boots is Zhang Zhenghui. 

    According to a 2010 report by the Xinhua news agency he has gold-painted shoes weighing more than 31st.

    Lai Yingying, an entertainer from Fujian, was shown by state broadcaster CCTV wearing shoes tipping the scales at a total of 47st.

    Mr Fuxing now manufactures a range of weighted metal footwear in a small factory near his hometown in the northern city of Tangshan, and sells them online
    Mr Fuxing manufactures a range of the weighted metal footwear in a small factory near his hometown in the northern city of Tangshan, 
    and sells them online

    He said: 'After they reached 400kg (62st), I felt very proud. Next spring I plan to add 50kg (7.8st)'
    He said: 'After my pair reached 400kg (62st), I felt very proud. Next spring I plan to add 50kg (7.8st)'

    A runner, Liu Mei, also took to exercising in metal footwear after growing bored of tying sandbags onto his trainers, the state-run China News Service reported, and challenged other metal show enthusiasts to compete for the title of ‘Iron Shoe King’.

    His call ‘hit the world of eccentric stunt people like a tidal wave’, the report said, but there is no record of the contest having taken place.

    Mr Fuxing -- who runs a workshop making machine parts -- says he was inspired by one of these pioneers. 

    He said: 'It's not strong muscles that make you able to walk like this, the power comes from internal organs. When you walk with your heart it will work'
    He said: 'It's not strong muscles that make you able to walk like this, the power comes from internal organs. When you walk with your 
    heart it will work'

    Mr Fuxing credits his ability to move the shoes - which he leaves outside, safe in the knowledge that they are close to impossible for most people to lift - to the Chinese spiritual martial art Qigong. Image shows two men trying to lift one of the shoes
    Mr Fuxing credits his ability to move the shoes - which he leaves outside, safe in the knowledge that they are close to impossible for most people to lift - to the Chinese spiritual martial art Qigong. Image shows two men trying to lift one of the shoes

    ‘I saw someone wearing iron shoes on TV. They said it was good for the heart and bones,’ he said.

    At the time, Mr Fuxing was suffering from back pain ‘so bad that I couldn't bend over to wash my face’, but claims his symptoms disappeared just months after donning the footwear, an experience which left him wanting to share them with a wider audience.

    He now manufactures a range of weighted metal footwear in a small factory near his hometown in the northern city of Tangshan, and sells them online.

    Mr Fuxing says he has been walking in the shoes for seven years and that walking just 15 metres a day in them can cure a bad back and treat haemorrhoids
    Mr Fuxing says he has been walking in the shoes for seven years and that walking just 15 metres a day in them can cure a bad back and treat haemorrhoids

    Mr Fuxing claims to have sold several hundred pairs of the shoes, including at least 10 to his neighbours. Image shows the factory where he produces them
    Mr Fuxing claims to have sold several hundred pairs of the shoes, including at least 10 to his neighbours. Image shows the factory where 
    he produces them

    A red pair weighing 1.5st each costs 550 yuan (£55), while the heaviest 9.4st boots sell for 1,450 yuan (£145).

    He claims to have sold several hundred pairs, including at least 10 to his neighbours.

    ‘We've all worn his iron shoes, it makes your legs feel better,’ said Chen Guanghua, a woman in her sixties. ‘We can't all play badminton, but anyone can wear shoes.’

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