I am a Reiki practitioner, Reiki Master. I often get visions whenever I practice Reiki on anyone. Even though I had many Reiki experiences, this one took my breath away.
I practiced on a friend, Diane, who found out that she needs to have her gall bladder removed because the doctor found two stones in there. She was in so much of pain so she called me. On my first distant Reiki with Diane, I saw the stone and I also saw something that looked like a prickly pear in her.
I visited her for a second hands on treatment and explained to her what I had seen. Her third treatment was also a distant Reiki treatment. In this treatment I had a vision of a huge hand removing the stone and crushing it into dust. Diane, had the same time saw the dust and felt the breeze of someone brushing passed her.
I called on the telephone and had such a wonderful feeling about the whole experience. I told her how I feld and that I did.t think she was gonna go for the operation. The next day Diane was admitted in hospital for a blood transfusion and removal of the gall bladder which never materialized. The doctor first did an ultrasound and could not see the gall stones. Being confused, he sent her for a CT scan. The second results also came back clear. There were no stones. The doctors could not explain what happen and felt no need to keep Diane in hospital so she was discharged. She couldn’t thank me enough. I thank God and the power of Reiki for her miracle healing.
This miracle story was submitted by “S.G.” from South Africa
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