

MIRACLE STORIES - God Was Watching Out for Us

God Was Watching Out for Us

by miracles on Sep.16, 2006, under Car Wreck Miracle Stories, Children Miracle Stories

It was a cold day in December of 2005 just 2 weeks before Christmas when I had gone shopping with my two daughters ages 3 months and 17 months and their grandmother.  We were shopping at a local department store.   As I came outside to put my children in the car, their  grandmother asked if I was going to strap the seat belt around the youngest one’s car seat.  I said no, its just 4 miles up the road.  After some disagreement we headed home.
When I came to a sudden stop, the brakes went out.  The car was going to slide into the car in front us.   The only thing that came to mind was to try to make it in the driveway to our right.   As we tried to turn into that driveway, our car was hit by oncoming traffic going 65 miles per hour.   I blacked out.
When I woke up the only thing I could think about were my children. I had to pull the youngest one out the window because the whole passenger side of the car was totaled. I was told that if  the youngest had been strapped in the way she was supposed to be she wouldn’t be alive today.
Whats so great about this story is that I always buckled my children in the car and for some reason I didnt that day. When the impact if the other car hit us my youngest daughter’s car seat was able to slide over next to my oldest. I am so lucky that God was watching out for us and that no one got really hurt.
This miracle story was submitted by “T” from KY.

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